Success Stories of Companies That Have Implemented the KICKBOX Program

Innovation is the mother of invention and the hallmark of entrepreneurship. As such, any opportunity to help your employees innovate should be grabbed with both hands. Utilizing KICKBOX is one of the most effective solutions by far.

As a comprehensive employee innovation program, KICKBOX can help businesses tap into the potential of their employees, fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, and turning raw ideas into successful implementations, making it a highly effective solution to support employee innovation. Before implementing it, though, you will naturally be eager to see exactly what it can achieve for your business. 

Here are just three case studies from numerous companies currently using the program. 

ZF Friedrichshafen

Innovation isn’t only limited to new companies looking to establish themselves in an industry. It should also enable organizations to keep evolving and adapt to the current landscape. Consumers are now more demanding than ever before, and only innovative brands can meet those expectations. KICKBOX can help companies successfully change their way of thinking. 

The automotive systems business was founded in 1915. In recent years, however, the automotive industry has encountered one of the biggest disruptions in over a century. For ZF Friedrichshafen, the use of KICKBOX has transformed the company’s workforce into a network of intrapreneurs. It has subsequently allowed the company to tap into a global knowledge base and work collaboratively to help ideas materialize into solutions. 



For innovation to thrive, organizations must foster a culture where all employees are invested in the process. While 59% of company executives aren’t sure they have the right people with the right skills needed to deliver high-quality innovation, many restrict themselves by failing to encourage intrapreneurship. For Implenia, like many other organizations, the biggest obstacle revolved around program accessibility due to its distributed workforce.

Through KICKBOX, Implenia was able to reach out to all employees regardless of individual job roles to promote accessible innovation. By engaging the entire workforce via the digital platform and an engaged top management, more than 30 ideas were submitted in the first year alone while a continued commitment to fostering manageable, measurable, and visible innovation has brought continued progress.



Swisscom is built on communication. Since using KICKBOX, the company hasn’t only been able to facilitate bottom-up innovation, more importantly, it has cultivated a culture where intrapreneurs have a voice. The program empowers employees to advocate for their ideas and utilize a structured process to assess the feasibility of their ideas, eliminating the need for approval from various levels of senior management.

Swisscom's dedication to empowering its employees is perfectly aligned with the KICKBOX program. With a focus on fostering new ideas, driving cultural change, and attracting top talent, Swisscom has recorded several success stories, including Help2Type. In addition to promoting clear communication for bottom-up innovation, it ensures that all contributions are recorded and celebrated. This helps protect the firm against issues like the fact that 79% of employees quit due to a lack of appreciation. The result: low staff turnover, high productivity.


Discover the power of KICKBOX for yourself

The above case studies should underline how KICKBOX can transform your approach to innovation for the better. You can find out more about its features and capabilities by contacting the rready team today.

To discuss the potential of KICKBOX in further detail or arrange a full demonstration, get in touch now.

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