The Future of Work: KICKBOX and AI-Driven Innovation

Artificial Intelligence, otherwise known as AI, continues to change business landscapes in a plethora of different areas but its impact on corporate innovation and the way we invent things is particularly noteworthy. 

As such, organizations across all business sectors have seen their innovation needs witness a seismic shift. Working with AI has consequently become an essential ingredient in the recipe for future proofing corporate innovation strategies. Here’s why progressive companies like yours should integrate it, in conjunction with the frameworks established through KICKBOX, at their earliest convenience.

KICKBOX supports flexibility of time

Innovation becomes very difficult for employees when they do not have energy, peace of mind and perspective. Similarly, there is a direct link between burnout and reduced innovation. AI supports employees by taking care of tedious daily tasks, freeing up more time to work on creative ideas. Meanwhile, the cloud-based KICKBOX platform makes innovation accessible and allows employees to act when an idea is fresh. 

The company’s job is to give intrapreneurs a sense of control and responsibility. When they feel comfortable working on ideas at their convenience, they will thrive.


KICKBOX speeds up the journey to market

Research shows that at least 30% of organizations are now committed to targeting AI in their innovation programs. The ability to speed up product development is regularly cited as the chief incentive. KICKBOX supports the benefits of AI by allowing innovators to collect, execute, test, and implement ideas quickly and at scale. Better still, the automated innovation project workflow promotes reduced administrative work to help innovations evolve at pace.

In today’s competitive world where organizations are in a race to get their innovations to market, the AI-supported workflows are an integral feature that yield fast results.


KICKBOX facilitates quick, confident decisions

Innovators naturally want their innovations to succeed. However, as shown by INFRAVISTA, even the successes usually require an iterative approach. As such, failure is a necessary part of the innovation process. Nevertheless, the ability to identify failures quickly is often the difference between efficient and inefficient innovation programs. KICKBOX empowers teams with the ability to visualize the data it gathers, enabling them to make swift and well-informed decisions.

Powered by AI, calculated decisions can be made instantly to determine if an idea needs to be abandoned or adapted. In turn, the company's energy is focused on the right ideas.


KICKBOX allows for measuring of ideas

If one thing is for certain, it’s that AI improves many aspects of business. So, the quality of innovative ideas, has to grow too. KICKBOX measures how many ideas are submitted and make it through all the phases in the process and adds clear frameworks to inspire continued progress. It has been shown that successful companies of the future will be those that leverage emerging tech to drive their innovation efforts at scale. Both KICKBOX and AI tools are among the most effective tech developments. 

In short, KICKBOX doesn’t just make sense of the ideas that are submitted. It ensures that the quality of ideas improves so that they can meet growing consumer demands. 

KICKBOX is the #1 support for radical, incremental, and disruptive innovation in an AI-driven world. To find out more, call rready to arrange a demo today.

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