4 Examples Of Corporate Social Innovation

As an Innovation leader, it can be difficult to balance business objectives with societal impact. Corporate Social Innovation is one of the most effective ways to address societal challenges while simultaneously unlocking long-term profits. 

To address the growing demand for organizations to play their part in building a better future for society, many companies turn to innovation management solutions. These tools promote collaboration, track initiatives, and ensure that ideas align with both business goals and social innovation.

What is Corporate Social Innovation?

Corporate social innovation  is a concept that was introduced towards the beginning of the 2000s and focuses on the development of strategic alliances between companies and the social sector. Through advanced tech and processes, this type of innovation aims to provide solutions to systemic social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues.

Through corporate social innovation, organizations set out to find creative, practical, and financially viable solutions. Whether incorporating elements of radical innovation or incremental innovation, corporate social innovation is capable of achieving results for customers, public entities, and organizations alike. Moreover, plenty of companies have made significant impacts by developing innovations that address societal challenges and provide value to both society and businesses.


4 Corporate Social Innovation Examples

1. Sustainable energy projects

Energizing society, particularly through efficient and cleaner energy sources, is an ongoing issue in both developed and developing nations. One example of corporate social innovation in this field comes courtesy of an emergency power generator that uses sustainable hydrogen as fuel. Developed by an Innovator from RUAG as part of the inhouse KICKBOX program, the innovation reduces the reliance on- and consumption of energy sources that harm the environment. 

2. Clean water projects

Finding ways to deliver clean water to communities in need is another clear example of corporate social innovation. Engineering experts at Princeton created solar-powered gel filters to treat and create clean drinking water. Other examples of social innovations in this field include wastewater treatments, nanotube tech, and photocatalytic purification. Meanwhile, innovations that actively increase access to water through transporting water or harvesting water are ideal too.

3. Digital education projects

Many people take access to education for granted, while countless others face challenges due to financial constraints or geographic barriers.The ability to connect students through online communication and advanced technology has opened the door to several corporate social innovations. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are just two examples of modern technologies capable of breaking through the barriers to accessibility or engagement in education.

Companies like Blippar have subsequently been able to empower future generations through powerful virtual learning programs.

4. Sustainability projects

Sustainable operations should be genuinely pursued by modern organizations across every sector. Currently, 65% of high-growth organizations plan to collaborate with their customers, and eco-friendly practices rank high on the agenda. For instance, the renowned sports brand Puma initiated its Environment Profit & Loss (P&L) strategy back in 2011. Since then, Puma has prioritized developing innovative solutions that not only promote sustainability but also minimize their impact on the environment. The firm even made its methods open-source.


How Innovation Management Solutions can Aid Corporate Social Innovation

When thinking about corporate social innovation, it's crucial to approach it from all angles in order to uncover groundbreaking ideas that have the power to truly make a difference. This requires organizations to implement an effective innovation management solution, that encourages collaboration and ensures that the right ideas are pursued by innovators. A holistic innovation management solution can help to streamline the process.

1. Enable idea submission

Innovation management platforms provide an alternative to the traditional idea submission box. They create an avenue for organizations to leverage the collective intelligence of their workforce, by enabling employees to submit their ideas.


rready's online platform is user-friendly and easily navigable to enable  employees from all  divisions of the organization to submit their ideas with ease.

2. Source, manage and implement ideas

While many organizations do not struggle with the quantity of ideas submitted, often the challenge lies in effectively managing these ideas, discerning which ones hold the most potential and successfully implementing these. An innovation management solution enables innovation leaders to have comprehensive oversight over the innovation process by streamlining various stages and providing a structured framework to ensure that the most valuable ideas are identified and brought to fruition.


rready's innovation management solutions offer access to an online platform that enables innovation leaders a centralized overview of the innovation funnel, increasing visibility and streamlining the process of sourcing and assessing ideas.

3. Track progress

An important aspect of realizing the value of corporate social innovations, also lies in measuring the social and financial impacts these innovations have over time. An innovation management software helps to take care of the financial aspect by providing the necessary features to track relevant progress metrics.

  Using the dashboard feature on rready's innovation management platform you can create custom reports and share these with stakeholders to keep them informed of the progress of your innovation program.


Balancing business success with societal well-being along all different aspects, is no easy task. On the contrary, engaging in meaningful corporate social innovation efforts carries its own challenges since it means navigating the intersection of societal demands and the pressures of business. When done right however, it can spark revolutionary ideas and innovations that, cliché as it may sound, have the power to truly change the world for the better.

If you're looking for a tool to take your corporate social innovation efforts to the next level, consider leveraging the power of rready's innovation management solutions to unlock a world of possibilities and drive meaningful progress in your organization and beyond. Reach out to us and become a catalyst for positive change in the world.

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