Unlocking Employee Creativity: A Step-by-Step Guide

As confirmed by experts at Forbes, the biggest asset for innovation is your employees. Therefore, unlocking their creativity should be a priority for any organization looking to supercharge its corporate innovation strategy. 


Knowing that you want to unlock employee creativity is one thing, but doing it is another. Follow the step-by-step guide below to achieve the desired results.

Remove the fear of failure

People regularly state that peace of mind and perspective are necessary for innovation. Research shows that 79% of C-suite executives say their organizations are tolerant of failure. Creating a culture where employees see failure as a step towards success is crucial. This culture should encourage employees to embrace failure rather than fear it. the biggest asset for innovation


Remove the fear of embarrassment

Gaining acceptance with failure is not the only way to achieve psychological safety. Managers also need to ensure that they do not ridicule employees for a bad idea. When an employee benefits from this, their performance will improve by up to 500%, which naturally leads to greater levels of innovation. More ideas is sure to translate to more winning concepts.


Give employees time and autonomy

An employee can only work on their ideas if you let them. Atlassian allows employees 24 hours to work on anything they want. As well as giving them time to work on ideas while they’re fresh, you must let them experiment with autonomy. A bureaucratic approach will sadly kill any creativity because they’ll feel untrusted and unable to let concepts evolve.


Promote innovation for all

When you want employee creativity to shine through as a key part of the company’s DNA, the organization must show encouragement to employees from diverse backgrounds - culturally and positionally. A company-wide approach to innovation will statistically yield more ideas. Not least because intrapreneurs will spur each other on.


Empower employees with the right tools

No-code tools help employees develop ideas quickly, whether by working together or using data to test products. Siemens Energy is a great example of how KICKBOX can unlock an employee’s full potential at an early stage. As well as letting employees innovate, the right tech keeps them engaged in the process.


Let employees know the expectations

While you must give employees the freedom to work on innovations, they still need some guidance. A deeper understanding of the company’s objectives equips them with the ability to consider contextuality and desirability. Appreciating that incremental innovation can be as effective as radical innovation will also help intrapreneurs rethink their ideas.


Focus on joining the dots

Connecting the dots is a phrase that means intrapreneurs must make links between questions, problems, and ideas. The future's most successful companies will use new technologies and data-driven innovation. Collect and visualize more data in prototyping phases to guide their next steps.


Celebrate success

Getting employees to innovate once is one thing, but success isn’t driven by a single idea. Cultivating a culture where all innovations (not just the big ones) are rewarded will build a culture where idea generation flows naturally. The correlation between burnout and reduced innovation is scientifically shown as well as anecdotally supported. Do not get this wrong.

KICKBOX is a powerful tool to help promote innovation across the company. To find out more, arrange a demo now.

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