How KICKBOX Facilitates Decentralized Innovation

To succeed in modern business, it is important to have a decentralized innovation strategy for sustained success. 

As an executive or innovation manager, it’s imperative that you understand the reasons for championing decentralized innovation and how the KICKBOX program helps make it happen. Here’s all you need to know.

Firstly, what is decentralized innovation?

Decentralization is the process of abandoning the outdated tactic of using a single (centralized) authoritative location.  It is a concept that is relevant in many aspects of business, but is particularly effective in relation to innovation strategies. 

As experts at Forbes put it, decentralization involves opening up the process to all possible parties and involve them in every step of your strategy. It encourages all employees to participate in the innovation strategy rather than restricting ideas to a small group of senior-level innovators. Some of the benefits gained from this approach include;

  • Increased employee motivation and empowerment,
  • Improved response levels to changing market circumstances,
  • Increased diversity of ideas and the removal of bureaucracy.


5 ways that KICKBOX facilitates decentralized innovation


KICKBOX makes innovation accessible

Employees at all levels of an organization may have innovative ideas but may feel unable to present them. However, intrapreneurship can become accessible with the right tools, which will also promote the company-wide buy-in needed to turn ideas into integrations. As well as boosting accessibility, KICKBOX cultivates a culture of psychological safety. Ultimately, when the company gives employees an opportunity to create, they will.

KICKBOX allows intrapreneurs to work on their ideas

In addition to welcoming ideas from all employees, decentralized innovation programs should allow them to work on ideas while they are fresh. After all, there is both scientific and anecdotal support for the correlation between burnout and reduced innovation. With KICKBOX, though, intrapreneurs have the freedom and flexibility to work on ideas while they have the perspective, energy, and freedom of mind to thrive.

KICKBOX provides templates for progression

Many employees find that the biggest obstacle surrounding innovation stems from expressing their ideas while working within the realms of the organization’s overall aims. 

KICKBOX’s templates guide intrapreneurs through the Validation Phase and the Proof-of-Concept (POC) Phase to make it a far smoother process. It aids efficiency and also makes it easier for others to understand those ideas.

KICKBOX encourages collaborations

Studies show that sixty-five percent of high-growth companies plan to collaborate with customers during the innovation process, compared to 54% of other companies. KICKBOX uses cloud-based tech with real-time communication. As well as collaborating with clients and gaining opinions from colleagues, the software allows intrapreneurs to lean on the expertise of numerous other firms courtesy of its ecosystem.

KICKBOX enables an iterative approach

Innovations are rarely perfect at the first attempt. Even successful ideas often require multiple iterations before they are ready for release. WD-40 famously celebrates its iterative origins in its name, being the Rocket Chemical Company’s 40th attempt at a water displacement formula. The KICKBOX process allows you to record every update, making it easier to implement revisions. Crucially, it also celebrates every step on the road to success rather than just the big idea itself.

Whether making the transition towards decentralized innovation or looking to upgrade your current employee innovation management strategy, KICKBOX is the perfect platform for modern organizations of all shapes and sizes.

To book a full demonstration and see the full potential of decentralized innovation, contact rready today.

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