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5 Reasons Why Product Roadmapping Is Key For Innovation

Written by rready Team | 28.November 2023

1. Product roadmapping gives employees a voice

Including employees at all levels is important for successful innovation. This is because involving everyone in the company increases the chances of generating more ideas. Getting different viewpoints ensures considering all possible challenges in product development for the highest chance of success.

A product roadmap takes the impetus away from the outdated concept of letting a few decision-makers have full control. Instead, there is a level playing field, which ultimately ensures that the best choices are made for the product currently in development.


2. Product roadmapping brings clarity

One of the key features of a product roadmap is that employees can refer back to it whenever necessary. In turn, all innovators can see what product the company is focused on. Perhaps more importantly, they can see why. Efficient innovation focuses on customer ideas and a product roadmap keeps the customer at the centre, throughout the process. 

Product roadmapping also promotes alignment with the immediate and long-term goals of the organization. As such, intrapreneurs will naturally consider the contextuality and feasibility of ideas. In turn, only the most suitable product ideas will be prioritized.


3. Product roadmaps unite teams

The benefits of giving all employees a voice is one thing. However, you must not forget the value that lies within teamwork. 59% of company executives are unsure if they have the right people with the necessary skills for high-quality innovation. Sadly, a large percentage of those restrict their teams by failing to promote unity and alignment between different teams.

Product roadmaps keep sales and development teams informed about the progress of daily product development. Product managers can collaborate with their teams too. By removing communication delays, innovation becomes more streamlined. 


4. Product roadmaps focus on continued progress

Modern consumers are more demanding than ever before, and only innovative brands are able to meet those expectations. New product plans supported by cloud-based innovation programs, such as for example KICKBOX, help to set out a path to success. They create a responsive source of truth that reflects the latest developments. This can range from new products made by competitors to newly received customer feedback.

It doesn’t matter if the road to success takes a different path as long as you still reach the intended destination. Given that even the best products now usually require an iterative approach, this is one of the most vital reasons to have a responsive product roadmap.


5. Product roadmapping helps to highlight issues early on

Successful innovation relies heavily on the ability to recognize bad ideas and kill them early. This could mean abandoning a project or simply taking it in a different direction. Either way, product roadmaps continually analyze the current steps of innovation as well as the processes to come. In turn, products are viewed in a logical way by all parties, ensuring that any potential problems can be found.

When you combine virtualizations and prototyping, you can test product innovations efficiently at all times. This ultimately ensures that we shorten the time to market while simultaneously improving the quality.


Innovate with KICKBOX

Company-wide product roadmapping will take your innovation strategy to the next level, but only if the right tools are in place. The KICKBOX employee innovation program is the ultimate solution.

Let us give you and your team the tools to encourage innovation in your company. If you're rready to motivate your employees and transform your business, then reach out to us.

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